Recognizing Effort - Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Cultivating the skill in relaxing physically via noticing & releasing of effort
Last updated
Cultivating the skill in relaxing physically via noticing & releasing of effort
Last updated
Cultivating the skill in relaxing physically via noticing & releasing of effort
Supports Softening Skill
Ability to relax
Weakening vices e.g., defensive patterns
Supports Softening Skill
Phase 1 - Party by Part
Tense part for ~5s & Notice underlying effort
Release effort & notice reduced effort
Enjoy relief
Repeat until practiced with every part of the body
Phase 2 - Choiceless
Notice any excessive effort within your body
Tense part & notice effort
Release part & notice reduced effort
Enjoy relief
Effort over Tension
Focus is the effort underlying tension and the release of effort rather than tension or relaxation
This will minimize superficial relaxation and contact the more fundamental cause of tension.
Some tensions will remain, as they are not based on excessive effort
No harm - remain comfortable
No need to flex excessively. As long as you can notice the experience of having excessive effort.
Avoid areas with injuries
Pointing your mind towards the benefit of releasing of effort via enjoying the experience
Daily Life
Check in throughout the day about any tension and their excessive underlying effort
Release the effort, enjoying the relief
Increasingly recognizing excessive effort underlying physical tension
Ability to release excessive effort
Ability to enjoy the release of effort