Foundational Skills
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Our return base which is based on releasing excessive effort
Facilitates Virtue
Independent happiness i.e., based on letting go
Decondition Vices
Interest towards the causal relationship
Understanding & directly experiencing Causality
Facilitates improvement as we understand the causes to apply or remove
Perceiving the benefit
Facilitate virtues & hinder vices
Automating behavior
Perceiving the disadvantage
Hinder vices & facilitate virtues
Discouraging automated behavior
Recognising that everything is happening by it self, caused by specific conditions, outside your control
Facilitates Attitude of Offering > Forcing
Facilitates Softness
Facilitates independent happiness
Facilitates Virtue
Hinders Vices
Facilitates Understanding of Causality
Perceiving oneself as an aggregate of habits that can be improved upon
Perceiving every moment as an opportunity to improve upon
Facilitates inspiration to cause good
Facilitates being happy & optimistic
Hindering the habituated response of perceiving problems with dread, suffering, pessimism
Habits that are based on and strengthened by softness and in harmony with your values
Recognize Virtue
Cultivating Virtue
Habits that are based on non-softness and weakened by softness, and in disharmony with your values
Recognize Vice
Decondition Vices
Enjoyable, facilitating and compounding development in happiness and virtue
Facilitating the hindering and deconditioning of suffering and vice
Positive Attitude towards one's values
Causality & Auto: 'What are the causes that will positively influence this?'
Best Opportunity: 'What is the best next step?'
Reward > Penalty
Establishing the Base
Establishing a base of softness
Enchanting with Softness
Cultivating Virtue
Activate Virtue or Virtue automatically arises
Soften into the virtue
Enchant with Virtuous Softness
Decondition Vices
Activate Vice or Vice automatically arises
Disenchant with Vice
Soften into the Vice
Enchant with Softness
Daily Life
The practice can be applied in any situation in life
Continue to recognize Softness, Non-Softness, Virtue and Vice
Soften, Enchant, or Disenchant
Remember the perspective of 'best opportunity'
'What is the best next step I can take?'
Enjoy this opportunity
Remember the perspective of 'Auto'
As this is happening all by itself, how can I best support positive change?
Softening is the opposite of trying. Whenever you notice trying or struggling, release the effort underlying it.
Becoming sensitive to what it feels like to experience softness and virtue compared to non-softness and vice
Ability to soften and enchant with softness and virtue
Ability to soften & disenchant with vice
Perceiving causality & 'auto' in your sensory experience and the external world
Being glad that you can improve upon the current situation ('best opportunity')